Sunday, November 18, 2012

Happy Birthday To My Little Sis!!!!

 My little sister just got her 1st AG Doll!! So monumental... She is so excited to get her favorite, Molly! :D

Yay! So cute!

I think this is so funny, she's waving!

Finally getting a real look!!!!

Carefully, ever so careful...

Awww, that cutie!

I remember when I got my first doll... I named her Emily because it sounded like a longer version of "Emma". And it was also the name of my BFF. ;)



  1. That's awesome!!!! :D Tell her I said congrats!!

  2. Tell her I say happy birthday and congrats!

  3. Happy Birthday to her!!! My first american girl doll was named Emily too!!!! :)

  4. Give her a happy birthday from us and congrats on her first AG doll .. how kewl ..

  5. Hi! I really like you'r blog!
    please come to my blog:

  6. How sweet!Tell her Congrats. Cool blog,too.I'm new here.


  7. Awww Happy Birthday to her!! I love your blog and I just followed :) It's soooooooooo cute!!

  8. I just looked up this blog. I like it already! Thanks so much!

  9. I like your blog, check mine out I am following you follow me back

  10. Hey! My daughter is six and has gotten really into American Girl. (I'll admit, I've gotten pretty into it too!) It provides such a great role model for girls, and there's not an awful lot of those around! Thanks for the blog about such an awesome product! Love it!

  11. I am a huge fan of AG dolls as well. I bet your sister was super excited to get an American Girl doll. Molly is a wonderful choice. She is so cute. Please check out my own AG blog at I have also posted photos of all of my AG dolls as well.

  12. ARE you still going to post here? you haven't posted in about 6 months. Or have you given up AG? Is it to "pricy" for you? Huh? Is that it? Well, AG is the best doll brand ever. U should have never have given up on Ag.

    1. Haha, your comment made me laugh. You're so funny! :) Have fun making judgments about people you have never met! Good luck...


    2. Thx! Why haven't u been posting here?


  13. My little sister's fave AG doll is Molly too! She's only got a mini doll of her though, and she lost the glasses and shoes :( AND her hair is always messy! But she loves her to bits!

  14. Congratulations!I remember when I got my first.I was in shock!

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