Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hey, Just Wondering

Real quick, would any of you guys be interested and/or buy a handmade special occasion dress, dress for Kaya or a Bed Set? If not, what would you buy and for what price?


Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Alright folks! I have decided to see if I can pick up Lanie!! :) Here's pics the seller on Craigslist posted. ( I DID NOT TAKE THESE)

 (I'm not buying the dog, BTW :D He's sold separately)

image 0image 1
image 2

She doesn't come w/ the meet outfit and her hair needs some TLC, but I'm really excited!

Cross your fingers for me that this works out...

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

If anyone sees a good deal on Lanie's meet outfit on eBay and such, let me know! I adored that outfit. :)

Anywho, lets hope we have a new addition to our AG household soon...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Okay... Down To The Last Two

Alright...I have canceled out  A custom MAG, and have another contender in the voting. (Thanks guys for your votes in my polls) I found a Lanie on Craigslist in actually pretty good condition for 55 dollars. Tempting. So, guys, tell me. Ruthie or Lanie???

Lanie or:


Aaaaaaahhhhhh! So hard!!!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cool Article on AG!!

There's this fun article on AG! Fun stuff inside, even some info on GOTY 2012!!! :)
American Girl assembly line
There is also a video included, and it is seriously interesting! A must watch for AG fans.

This is pretty cool! Be sure to watch the video and read the article.

Have a good 3 days until Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dolls I Am Debating Over

OK, so I an pretty close do being able to buy and AG doll, and I'm not sure which one:

She would be Ruth (Ruthie) Elaine Smithens.


I could customize this doll by adding freckles, so she'd look like this:

And there you have it, a Delaney Piper Fraye.

So, advice, comments, thoughts?

Thanks so much,

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

McKenna Doll Picture!

From I found a pic of McKenna in doll form!

American GOTY 2012 McKenna Brooks
Cool, huh??
Well. Hm. I was expecting something a bit different.
Honestly I think she looks to much like Marie-Grace and #39.

See the similarities?
Oh, well. :)

I still think she looks fun, and can't wait to see her background story on Jan. 1st!

What do you think? Do you like her?

Monday, December 19, 2011


Okay, it's official, GOTY 2012 will be a gymnast named McKenna!Yay! And she's a blonde!! Double yay!! Here's her pic:

Here's the book summaries:

And there's going to be a movie about her!! 

So excited. I hope she turns out good, I think she might be on my list for wanting! 

Holiday Pictures!!

Yay! My Holiday pictures are here and uploaded. Enjoy!!

I LOVE this pic of Emily. So gorgeous. 

Chatting by the tree light.

All together! (Sorry it's sideways...)

Another pic of Em.


So pretty. 

I love the ornament bokeh (Spelling?)! 

Now background bokeh.

Hey...look who it is!!

Merry Christmas!!!!
P.S. Laura guessed my surprise right!! See the comments on That Post to see a little info

Katie Taggged me! :)

1. What’s your favorite holiday food?
My mom makes this really great German Puff Pancake as a holiday tradition on Christmas morning. Love peppermint bark, too. I could list a lot, but that's my top faves.
2. Eggnog or hot cocoa?
Hot cocoa. :) It always makes me feel really nice and warm. 
3. Have you ever eaten a non-dessert dish shaped as a holiday symbol (Christmas tree, menorah, etc.)?
I'm not sure, but I think I had snowman shaped pancakes before. 
4. Do you know what a latke is? If so, have you ever eaten one?
I know what they are, but I've never had any. They are made with potatoes, right??
5. What is the first food-and-holiday-related word that comes to your mind?

6. What is your favorite holiday food to cook with your family/friends?
My grandma (I call her Nana) and I make this awesome almond brittle. Soooo good!

Thanks Katie!!! :) I Tag, um, Spicemuffin, Emma and Hannah Wright 


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Special Surprise Sneak Peek!!

Okay, everyone! I have officially had a great day. I have mentioned the special surprise a lot and I have some pics of it. Here's a snippet of what is coming....

Tell me your guesses; I'll see who can get closest. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

American Girl Doll Rooms!

American Doll Room

There is this fun giveaway  is doing! They're giving away these foldable doll rooms! So in love...
It is so creative, and there are different wall colors to choose from, wood or carpet floors, HOLY COW! It's awesome, to say the least. Be sure to enter, this amazing giveaway only lasts until Dec. 18th!!!

(All photos courtesy of American Doll Room)

I entered, and I hope you snag this awesome chance!!!!